Wednesday, October 18, 2017

भारतीय प्रमुख सण दिवाळी आणि त्याचा इतिहास

दिवाळी किंवा दीपावली हा एक प्रमुख हिंदू सण आहे. हा दीपोत्सव भारतात सर्वत्र साजरा होतो. या सणाला घरात व घराबाहेर तेलाचे लहान दिवे लावले जातात. उंच जागी आकाशदिवा (आकाशकंदिल) लावला जातो. घराबाहेर रांगोळी काढून सुशोभन केले जाते. पावसाळा संपून नवीन पिके हाती आल्यानंतर शरद ऋतूच्या ऐन मध्यभागी, आश्विन व कार्तिक या महिन्यांच्या संधिकालात हा सण येतो. आश्विन वद्य त्रयोदशी ते कार्तिक शुद्ध प्रतिपदा हे चार दिवस या सणाचे असतात. हा सण साधारणपणे ऑक्टोबर - नोव्हेंबर दरम्यान येत असतो. या सणाला भारतात बव्हंश ठिकाणी सुटी असते.

उपलब्ध पुराव्यांनुसार दिवाळी हा सण किमान तीन हजार वर्षे जुना आहे. या सणाचा उगम फार प्राचीन काळी आर्यांचे वास्तव्य उत्तर ध्रुव प्रदेशात होते, त्या काळातच झाला असा समज आहे. सहा महिन्यांची प्रदीर्घ रात्र संपून सहा महिन्यांचा दिवस सुर होताच त्या प्रदेशातील लोकांना नवजीवन प्राप्त झाल्यासारखे वाटत असावे आणि त्यासाठीच ते हा आनंदोत्सव करीत असावेत. तथापि वैदिक काळात आश्विन महिन्यात शरद ऋतूचे औचित्य साधून आश्वयुजी किंवा आग्रयण यासारखे यज्ञ केले जात असत ज्यांचा समावेश सात पाकयज्ञ यामध्ये होतो.परंतु या धार्मिक आचारात दिवाळीचे प्राचीन संदर्भ सापडतात असे नेमके म्हणता येतेच असे नाही असे मत बी. के. गुप्ते यांनी आपल्या फोकलोअर ऑफ दिवाली या पुस्तकात मांडले आहे.

काही लोकांची अशी श्रद्धा आहे की चौदा वर्षांचा वनवास संपवून रामचंद्र सीतेसह अयोध्येला परत आला, तो याच दिवसात. पण त्या वेळी त्याचे स्वरूप आजच्यापेक्षा खूपच भिन्न होते. प्राचीन काळी हा यक्षांचा उत्सव मानला जायचा. अंधार दूर करुन प्रकाशाचे अस्तित्व निर्माण करणारा दीप मांगल्याचे प्रतीक मानला जातो. याच्या प्रकाशाने आपल्या जीवनातील अंधकार दूर व्हावा म्हणून हा दीपोत्सव साजरा केला जातो. पावसाळ्यातील समृद्धीच्या आनंद उत्सवाचा, कृतज्ञतेचा हा सोहळा मानला जातो. या दिवसांत सायंकाळी दारात रांगोळ्या काढून पणत्या लावतात, घरांच्या दारात आकाशदिवे लावले जातात. महाराष्ट्रात व इतर ठिकाणी लहान मुले या काळात मातीचा किल्ला तयार करतात. त्यावर मातीची खेळणी मांडतात. धान्य पेरतात. यामागची परंपरा कशी व केंव्हा सुरु झाली याची नोंद नाही,

दीपावलीचे मुळचे नाव यक्षरात्री असे होते हे हेमचंद्राने नोंदवले आहे, तसेच वात्स्यायनाच्या कामसूत्रातही हेच नाव नोंदलेले आहे. नीलमत पुराणात या सणास 'दीपमाला' असे म्हटले आहे. कनोजाचा राजा हर्षवर्धन याने नागानंद नाटकात या सणाला 'दीपप्रतिपदुत्सव' असे नाव दिले आहे. ज्योतिषरत्नमाला या ग्रंथात 'दिवाळी' हा शब्द वापरला आहे. भविष्योत्तर पुराणात दिवाळीला दिपालीका म्हटले आहे, तसेच काल्विवेक या ग्रंथात तिचा उल्लेख सुखरात्रि असा येतो.व्र्तप्र्काश नावाच्या ग्रंथात सुख सुप्तिका म्हणून दिवाळी ओळखली जाते.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

शुभ दिपावली 2019 - सर्वश्रेष्ठ शुभकामनाएं संदेश

हम सभी जानते हैं कि दिवाली एक सबसे बड़ा और प्रतिभाशाली भारतीय हिंदू त्योहार है। दिवाली शब्द का अर्थ है "रोशनी का त्योहार" जो मूल संस्कृत शब्द "दीपावली" से प्रवाहित होता है जिसका मतलब है कि एक पंक्ति या रोशनी की श्रृंखला। दीपावली या दिवाली धर्म की विजय का प्रतीक है, बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत, झूठी बातों पर सत्य और अंधकार पर रोशिनी के विजय का प्रतीक है। हिंदू कैलेंडर के मुताबिक यह कार्तिक के 15 वें दिन मनाया जाता है। यह त्यौहार अपने 14 साल के निर्वासन को पूरा करने के बाद अपने राज्य अयोध्या में भगवान राम की वापसी का स्मरण करता है। उस रात लोगो ने अपने घरों को मिट्टी के दियो के साथ अपने घरों को रोशन करने के लिए जलाया और आतिशबाजी कर के लिए अपने प्यारे राजा का स्वागत किया। आतिशबाजी की विभिन्न रंगीन किस्मों को हमेशा इस त्योहार से जुड़ा होता है। इस शुभ दिन पर लोग अपने घर के चारों ओर दीये और मोमबत्तियों को प्रकाश देते हैं। वे शाम में लक्ष्मी पूजा करते हैं और धन की देवी का दैवीय आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करते हैं। कुछ लोगों का मानना ​​है कि लक्ष्मी पृथ्वी के घरों की तलाश में घूमते हैं जहां उनका स्वागत किया जाएगा। लोग अपने दरवाजे और खिड़कियां और हल्के लैंप को लक्ष्मी को आमंत्रित करते हैं। दीवाली पांच दिनों की उत्सव अवधि है जो धनतेरस पर शुरू होती है और भाई दुज पर समाप्त होती है। दिवाली आनंद, सुख, आतिशबाजी और मिठाई का त्योहार है और लोग मिट्टी के दीपक जलाकर कर रोशनी करते है, परिवार के साथ उत्सव मनातें है |

सभी देशवासीयोको दिपावली कि हार्दिक शुभकामनाये 


दिवाली एक खुसियों का त्योहार हैं,
अंधेरो से  उजाले  कि और  बारकरार हैं,
हर कोई  अंधेरे  को  उजाला  करणे  की  लिये  तैयार  है 
पर जो सावधानी रखे वही समजदार है
कोई वक्त का तो कोई खुशियो का तलबगार है
नजरे भचा कर  बैठा  है  हार  कोई ,
सभी को दिवाली  की एन पलो का इंतझार है
जी लो इन्हे फिर ना  कहना  आगले साल का इंतझार है

“ हो मुबारक ये त्यौहार आपको दीपावली का
ज़िन्दगी का हर पल मिले आपको खुशहाली का

प्यार के जुगनू जले, प्यार की हो फुलझड़िया
प्यार के फूल खिले, प्यार की हो पंखुड़िया

प्यार की  बंसी बजे,  प्यार  की हो शहनाईया…
खुशियो के दीप जले, दुःख कभी न ले अंगड़ाईयां ”

आपको और आपके परिवार को दिवाली की हार्दिक बधाईया

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Improve the Search Engine Optimization of Every Website?

One of the biggest challenges that online businesses face today is maintaining relevance in the eyes of the search engines, especially Google. With Google controlling more than 90% of the search traffic in the US alone, it’s not surprising that the most important goal of any web-based marketing strategy is to be number one in Google.
It’s a well-established principle that on-site SEO is one of the most basic building blocks every business needs to have as they start on the road to search engine domination. So it makes sense to add another string to your own marketing bow as a web designer and incorporate some simple SEO strategies into every web design you deliver.
Here are nine ways to improve the SEO strength of every website you design.

1. Add a Blog

Adding a blog to any site gives your clients the opportunity to add fresh content easily and regularly. Search engines love fresh content and if you encourage your client to update the blog on at least a weekly basis, or hopefully even more regularly, you will be giving them a distinct SEO advantage. You can explain to your client that blogs naturally attract search engine traffic and they can take advantage of this by not only adding content as often as possible, but to allow visitors to ask questions or leave comments.
The interactivity of the blog also adds value to the site and can also increase the likelihood of potential customers social bookmarking it and sharing it their social networks, but remember to look out for spam comments and to remove anything that looks like duplicate content.
Blogs also increase the size of the website over time and this can provide a major SEO benefit in the form of an increase in website authority and a higher number of pages to leverage with internal links.

2. Add Google Analytics to Each Page

As you are no doubt aware, Google Analytics is a free analytics software package that can provide your client with a range of critical data about their site and how it is performing in the search engines.
By using such features as Goal Tracking, Event Tracking, bounce rates and Intelligence you can show your client which keywords, search engines and traffic sources are producing sales or leads for their business. You can also use this data as a way of showing them how they can improve their site over time (with your help) through ongoing split testing.
Bonus tip: Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools, which also have a ton of information that you can use to learn more about your keywords and web pages.

3. Reduce Code Bloat

Google’s spiders are on the lookout for unique content, and JavaScript and CSS in the HTML code make it harder for them to find it. For example, you should already know that all scripts and CSS files should be added as external files to reduce the time it takes for search engine spiders to find the actual content as well as reducing the code-to-content ratio.
Remember that excessive code not only slows the page’s loading time, but it also increases the possibility of coding errors that, whilst they may have no direct impact on the site’s SEO, may still cause difficulty for the search engine spiders.

4. Make Each Page Unique

Google ranks the relevance of each website according to the content it contains, and is always seeking relevant content not contained anywhere else on the Internet. This means that the content of every page needs to be completely different not just from any other site on the Web, but also any other page on the same site. This raises the issue of duplicate content, the dread of all site owners.
Put simply, if you publish any content that appears somewhere else on the Internet, you run the risk of being ignored by search engines because the algorithm will be looking for content that sets your site apart.
Unique content removes any such impediments from your site and your design standards will support your clients’ SEO. It is also worthwhile pointing out that wherever you include snippets of information contained on other pages within the site to tempt the visitor to follow the link, you run the risk of being penalised for duplicate content. So be careful of the wording used in the snippets so that it provides a summary without repeating any of the words actually used.

5. Use Meta Description Tags

<meta> description tags are what appear in the search engine results pages – they give the web surfer an overview of what the site is about. Put your marketer’s hat on and write a description that convinces visitors to click on the result. This is your site’s first opportunity to attract visitors, so it’s vital that you give your client the best chance of standing out from the other results.
Remember, Google also uses meta description tags to differentiate web pages (although not as much as title tags) so you also need to be careful to describe each page differently to avoid any duplicate content issues. Including free offers, guarantees and a phone number can improve the click through rate on your clients’ SEO ranking.
Make sure to limit the <meta> description tags to 160 characters in length, including spaces.

6. Remove Repetitive Wording From The Website Layout

It’s worth repeating again that unique content is vital to the success of any site’s SEO. When designing a website layout for a client it is tempting to include information such as copyright text, contact details and maybe even company mottos on every page of the site. If there is not enough unique content on every page then you run the risk of your client’s site being penalised for duplicate content. That’s why it’s important to remove such repetitive wording from the website layout so that the true informational content of the site is not diluted in any way.

7. Add Footer Links To Every Page

Linking between web pages using plain text links, with the target SEO keywords in the anchor text, can provide a significant boost to your clients’ SEO rankings. The problem is that most good website designs use graphical, JavaScript or Flash navigation that don’t use anchor text. If this is the case, you can use footer links to link between your pages, with the keywords you want to rank for within the anchor text of the links.

8. Create A Separate Web Page For Each Keyword Or Keyword Phrase

The best way for a website to rank for a particular keyword phrase is to create a web page targeted to that phrase with the keywords in the <title> tag, <meta> description tags, <h1>, body copy and URL. This means that it is critically important to create a separate web page for each product or service that the client sells, as well as category pages if they are needed. A dedicated page for each product or service will also ensure a good user experience as they will land directly on this page from the search engine results, making it much easier for them to buy online or submit a form for more information.

9. Use Keyword Rich Title Tags On Each Page

<title> tags appear in the title bar of the browser and are one of the factors used by search engines to determine the content of your page. Rather than including the company name in the <title>tag, use the keywords that your client wants to rank for. This will give your client a solid advantage for ranking in the search engines. Make sure to limit the <title> tags to 60 characters in length, including spaces, so that the full text of the title tags appears in the search engine rankings and doesn’t get cut-off by Google.
By integrating all of the above suggestions into each of your website design projects, you will give your clients the best possible chance of generating sales and profits from search engine rankings.
Article source: Alex Cleanthou

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Build a Facebook Page to Promote Your Business with Social Media Marketing

Every single day more and more people are signing up with Facebook. They visit this site to catch up with friends and family members, look at pictures, share pictures, share their lives and even find out what is going on in the world. Lucky for you, people are also finding new businesses and communicating with favorite businesses on Facebook, too. If you want to market your business using one of the fastest growing marketing techniques, you need to create a presence on Facebook. The following article contains some tips you can use to get yourself noticed on this quick growing social media network.

For those who are not familiar with the term "Facebook Page", let me give you a quick and easy explanation. A Facebook Page is a single webpage that anyone can create using the Facebook platform and post just aboutanything you want. It's a trend that is extremely popular, as evidenced by the fact that big name personalities and companies have embraced the use of Facebook Pages in order to reach out to their clients and potential customers.

If you already have a Facebook account can create a Facebook page. You can open a Facebook account specifically for your business or the public personality that you intend to promote. What makes it the growing trend is the fact that Facebook Pages show up on search engines often and rank high. They are cheap to start and maintain as opposed to having your own website. In addition, Facebook Pages have no restriction on the maximum number of fans who may "Like" your page. As opposed to just having a Facebook account, friends connected to your account profile have a limitation of 5,000 friends.

  • Choose your user name: While this may seem simple, it takes a little thought. The name you choose will be your name and will be how people searching for your business will find you. Choose your business name or another word or set of words that you think searchers will type in the search bar. You want to be sure that your page can be found, otherwise, all your work will be for naught.
  • Set up your Facebook page: Again, this sounds simple, but you need to put some thought into it. Make your page as professional as possible. You do not want misspellings or other grammatical errors. It is important that everything you share makes sense and is useful for visitors. Add as much information as you can. Share your business motto, your website or physical address and any other information that will be helpful. You also want to add pictures. People love pictures and having professional pictures on your page is more attractive. Add descriptions to your pictures, too.
  • Get people to like/follow you: Again, something simple in theory but will take work! Be sure to advertise your Facebook page in your emails, in your store or on your website. Tell your friends and family members about it and encourage them to like your page and share it with others. You may also consider having a contest or a giveaway for those who like your Facebook page. You can offer a free shipping coupon, a free sample or other discount for anyone who becomes a fan of your page.
  • Post content to your Facebook page: Post helpful information for your fans, tell them about sales or specials. Also, share new uses for products or other information that will be useful for your followers. You can also set up special sales for Facebook fans only. This will encourage business by your followers. You can also ask questions related to your business and encourage responses from those who follow you. You should take part in the conversation. Answer questions and concerns. Help your followers to see you as a real person, not just a business. Remember people come to Facebook for fun and to be entertained!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the deliver of improving the perceptibility of a website or a web diplomat in activity engines unbleached, or un-paid (feed or algorithmic), operation results. In generic, the originally (or higher hierarchal on the explore results attendant), and author oftentimes a computer appears in the seek results lean, the much visitors it give change from the look engines users. SEO may mark unlike kinds of hunting, including representation activity, localized activity, recording hunting, academic investigate, tidings seek and industry-specific upright operation engines.

As an Cyberspace marketing strategy, SEO considers how hunt engines apply, what grouping seek for, the real hunting cost or keywords written into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted opportunity. Optimizing a website may need editing its cognition and HTML and related coding to both amount its connectedness to fact keywords and to disappear barriers to the indexing activities of investigate engines. Promoting a tract to growth the signal of back links, or inward course, is added SEO maneuver.

The acronym SEOs can touch to examine engine optimizers, a statement adoptive by an industry of consultants who influence out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who fulfill SEO services in-house. Look engine optimizers may move SEO as a stand-alone activity or as a section of a broader marketing crusade. Because effective SEO may order changes to the HTML thing write of a situation and tract aggregation, SEO tactics may be organized into website process and organization. The term see engine agreeable may be utilized to expound website designs, menus, activity management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and additional elements that human been optimized for the decide of hunting engine exposure.