Sunday, June 7, 2020

What Are Modern Computer And Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

The modern computer is used for various task and operations. Computers are electronic devices or gadgets which are used for arithmetic and logical operations which are performed in incredible speed.

Not only are these operations executed in speed but also in unbelievable accuracy. The computers nowadays can store huge amount of data into their external memory and also can be retrieve whenever user demands.

The modern computers are cheaper these days due to rapid development in computer technology made computer devices and peripherals cheaper and advanced.

The word computer is derived or taken from the Latin word "computare" which means to calculate or calculations. There are basically three functions of computer system that are:

The computer firstly accept data from the input devices like keyboard or mouse later this data or information is transferred to the processing unit of computer and later final output is presented with the help of output devices such as printers, monitors etc.

What is the Full Form of Computer?

C- Commonly, O-operated, M-Machine, P-Particularly, U-Used For, T- Technical, E –Education, R-Research.

There are four different types of computer system which are mentioned below.

  • Mini Computers.
  • Micro Computers.
  • Personal Computers.
  • Super Computers
Mini Computers:

These computers are small in size but the storage capacity of these types of computers is huge. The first minicomputer was built in 1960 by IBM Corporation [International Business Machines] and the name was PDP-1 .These computers were built for handling business applications and services.

These minicomputers are able to handle and access hundreds of computer simultaneously.

Microcomputers: These computers were built in 1970 they had microprocessor installed them therefore were called as "Micro Computer". They are cheaper, faster and powerful computers which are very useful computers.

PC-XT was the first successful micro computer which had 8088 family micro processor. They used 64mb RAM and approx 5GB of hard disk.

Personal Computers: The personal computers are also called as "PC". These computers are fast, cheap and small in size and can be installed in a small place.

They are mobile computers as they can easily transfer from one location to another for example laptops. The laptops run on battery where power is stored.

Using this computer one can play games, watch movies, download software, create animations and work on documents etc.

Supercomputers: They are the fastest computer when compared to others. They can perform billions and billions of instructions per second.

The supercomputers are used in artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, atomic research, weather forecast, scientific research and solving complex algorithms.

The characteristics of computer have been changed dramatically due to the overall development and enhancement made in the computer technology field.

Some of the basic characteristics of computer system are mentioned below.

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Automatic
  • Diligence
  • Versatility
  • Memory
Let us try to discuss them in brief

Speed: A computer can work in mind blowing speed . The Speed of computer is measured in milliseconds, microseconds and picoseconds. Some of the modern computer can execute millions and millions of instructions per seconds.

The Speed of modern computer is considered to be the main characteristics of computer.

Accuracy: Not only computer can work in blazing speed it works in almost 100% accuracy. The accuracy of computer can be seen where numerous amount of complex calculations are done in fractions of seconds.

GIGO is a famous term used for accuracy which exactly means Garbage In and Garbage Out. Let me try to elaborate this term.

The errors which are occurred during process can be considered as human error because computer simply works on the input provided to them if the input is wrong or inaccurate the output will also be wrong or inaccurate.

Automatic: This term can be explained with the help of an example. Imagine you need to download a movie or software or data which is taking approx 2 hrs to download you need not to wait for computer to download that completely you just have to rely on computer to finish this process of downloading completely which is done fully automatically.

Many machines which are used in production area have been modified to perform certain task and operations automatically.

Diligence: The computer does not have human feeling and tendency like boredom, laziness or rebel the task or job provided to them are done with the same speed throughout with accuracy and perfection.

Due to this characteristic, computer and these modern machines are used in small and large organizations for better performance and increased productivity.


The computers are all rounder in nature they can perform several task pointed to them at a single given time. They can download software, movies or games simultaneously while download is in progress in can play games or listen songs or work on any other software like word ,excel ,PowerPoint or perform programming like PHP and Java.

Memory: According to me this is the best characteristics of computer as they can save huge amount of data permanently and can be recalled whenever we need.

The modern computes has reached to each and every corner of human society just because of its usefulness they have made an important impact on our day to day life. Computers are used in small and big organizations, educational institutions, research etc.

Below I have mentioned few of the important advantages of the computer system

  • Education
  • Online Shopping
  • Research
  • Sports
Education: Life has changed so the traditional ways of learning and acquiring knowledge has been changed dramatically. Let me share one incident with you who changed my entire perception on computers and internet.

One day my grand mom came and asked how to prepare pizza in home without proper equipments? no one in the family had a proper answer to it so she went and juggled some recipe books with no result finally she decided to use internet and she just surf YouTube and Google for an hour . After finishing her research on pizza I just saw a spark in her eyes and after just 2 hours she was ready with an amazing pizza which I have never had in my life. So amazing.

In this short incident I was amazed with the power of computer and internet .In today’s scenario you can have every education online with your convenience

I have learnt programming like VB, PHP, MySQL etc on internet therefore many scholars have jumped into the conclusions that computer have made a great impact on education.

Online Shopping: The revolutionary aspects of computer with internet are online shopping you can purchase anywhere, anytime with numerous choices, and with good refund policy.

The number of sales happening in today’s generation is staggering.

Research: The scientist use computer as computer can solve complex to complex algorithms and problems in very less amount of time as well as they can store the data and information done while experimenting.

Supercomputer is used in such type of research which is considered to be the fastest and most expensive computer when compared to other computers like mini, micro, mainframe, and personal computer.

Sports: The computer are used in sports to store the previous and present records of the players. Computers are also used to store videos of the match so that players can watch them later and access the points where they can improve their game as a player.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Google Is Aware Of Sites Hosted On Another’s Subdomain

Google has stated that hosting content in a subdomain or subfolder of another entity’s site is not against its guidelines, but that it is improving its systems to recognize that content and treat it accordingly. The statement was delivered via the Google Webmasters Twitter account on August 14.

The tweet. “We’ve been asked if third-parties can host content in subdomains or subfolders of another’s domain. It’s not against our guidelines. But as the practice has grown, our systems are being improved to better know when such content is independent of the main site & treat accordingly. Overall, we’d recommend against letting others use subdomains or subfolders with content presented as if it is part of the main site, without close supervision or the involvement of the primary site. Our guidance is if you want the best success with Search, provide value-added content from your own efforts that reflect your own brand.” Google stated in a three-part tweet.

Why would anyone do that? Third parties are interested in renting out another brand’s subdomain to get a leg up on the competition in terms of search rankings, which may help them get more traffic and conversions.

Google’s figuring out how to handle it. Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller touched on this subject during a Google Webmaster Central office hours session on June 28. During the session, Mueller said, “I know the search leads at Google have been talking about this exact topic for a while now to try to find ways to handle these appropriately. By ‘handling them appropriately,’ I don’t mean we should treat them as spam and just delete all of these subdomains, because they’re not really spam. They’re just kind of sales pages, affiliate pages that are hosted within another website. Maybe the right approach is to find a way to figure out what is the primary topic of this website and focus more on that, and then kind of leave these other things on the side.”

Mueller then went on to say, “When it comes to quality, we try to look at the quality of a website overall. So, if there are particular parts of a website that are really low quality …. then overall, that could be degrading the quality of that site a little bit.”

Why we should care. For brands that are considering using another entity’s subdomain to host their content, Google is aware of such tactics. Although this strategy does not currently violate its guidelines, the company might as well have said “proceed at your own risk.”

For brands that are looking to rent out their subdomains to third parties, Mueller’s statement suggests that, if the third party is hosting low quality content on your domain, then your entire domain’s search rankings may be affected.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

भारतीय प्रमुख सण दिवाळी आणि त्याचा इतिहास

दिवाळी किंवा दीपावली हा एक प्रमुख हिंदू सण आहे. हा दीपोत्सव भारतात सर्वत्र साजरा होतो. या सणाला घरात व घराबाहेर तेलाचे लहान दिवे लावले जातात. उंच जागी आकाशदिवा (आकाशकंदिल) लावला जातो. घराबाहेर रांगोळी काढून सुशोभन केले जाते. पावसाळा संपून नवीन पिके हाती आल्यानंतर शरद ऋतूच्या ऐन मध्यभागी, आश्विन व कार्तिक या महिन्यांच्या संधिकालात हा सण येतो. आश्विन वद्य त्रयोदशी ते कार्तिक शुद्ध प्रतिपदा हे चार दिवस या सणाचे असतात. हा सण साधारणपणे ऑक्टोबर - नोव्हेंबर दरम्यान येत असतो. या सणाला भारतात बव्हंश ठिकाणी सुटी असते.

उपलब्ध पुराव्यांनुसार दिवाळी हा सण किमान तीन हजार वर्षे जुना आहे. या सणाचा उगम फार प्राचीन काळी आर्यांचे वास्तव्य उत्तर ध्रुव प्रदेशात होते, त्या काळातच झाला असा समज आहे. सहा महिन्यांची प्रदीर्घ रात्र संपून सहा महिन्यांचा दिवस सुर होताच त्या प्रदेशातील लोकांना नवजीवन प्राप्त झाल्यासारखे वाटत असावे आणि त्यासाठीच ते हा आनंदोत्सव करीत असावेत. तथापि वैदिक काळात आश्विन महिन्यात शरद ऋतूचे औचित्य साधून आश्वयुजी किंवा आग्रयण यासारखे यज्ञ केले जात असत ज्यांचा समावेश सात पाकयज्ञ यामध्ये होतो.परंतु या धार्मिक आचारात दिवाळीचे प्राचीन संदर्भ सापडतात असे नेमके म्हणता येतेच असे नाही असे मत बी. के. गुप्ते यांनी आपल्या फोकलोअर ऑफ दिवाली या पुस्तकात मांडले आहे.

काही लोकांची अशी श्रद्धा आहे की चौदा वर्षांचा वनवास संपवून रामचंद्र सीतेसह अयोध्येला परत आला, तो याच दिवसात. पण त्या वेळी त्याचे स्वरूप आजच्यापेक्षा खूपच भिन्न होते. प्राचीन काळी हा यक्षांचा उत्सव मानला जायचा. अंधार दूर करुन प्रकाशाचे अस्तित्व निर्माण करणारा दीप मांगल्याचे प्रतीक मानला जातो. याच्या प्रकाशाने आपल्या जीवनातील अंधकार दूर व्हावा म्हणून हा दीपोत्सव साजरा केला जातो. पावसाळ्यातील समृद्धीच्या आनंद उत्सवाचा, कृतज्ञतेचा हा सोहळा मानला जातो. या दिवसांत सायंकाळी दारात रांगोळ्या काढून पणत्या लावतात, घरांच्या दारात आकाशदिवे लावले जातात. महाराष्ट्रात व इतर ठिकाणी लहान मुले या काळात मातीचा किल्ला तयार करतात. त्यावर मातीची खेळणी मांडतात. धान्य पेरतात. यामागची परंपरा कशी व केंव्हा सुरु झाली याची नोंद नाही,

दीपावलीचे मुळचे नाव यक्षरात्री असे होते हे हेमचंद्राने नोंदवले आहे, तसेच वात्स्यायनाच्या कामसूत्रातही हेच नाव नोंदलेले आहे. नीलमत पुराणात या सणास 'दीपमाला' असे म्हटले आहे. कनोजाचा राजा हर्षवर्धन याने नागानंद नाटकात या सणाला 'दीपप्रतिपदुत्सव' असे नाव दिले आहे. ज्योतिषरत्नमाला या ग्रंथात 'दिवाळी' हा शब्द वापरला आहे. भविष्योत्तर पुराणात दिवाळीला दिपालीका म्हटले आहे, तसेच काल्विवेक या ग्रंथात तिचा उल्लेख सुखरात्रि असा येतो.व्र्तप्र्काश नावाच्या ग्रंथात सुख सुप्तिका म्हणून दिवाळी ओळखली जाते.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

शुभ दिपावली 2019 - सर्वश्रेष्ठ शुभकामनाएं संदेश

हम सभी जानते हैं कि दिवाली एक सबसे बड़ा और प्रतिभाशाली भारतीय हिंदू त्योहार है। दिवाली शब्द का अर्थ है "रोशनी का त्योहार" जो मूल संस्कृत शब्द "दीपावली" से प्रवाहित होता है जिसका मतलब है कि एक पंक्ति या रोशनी की श्रृंखला। दीपावली या दिवाली धर्म की विजय का प्रतीक है, बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत, झूठी बातों पर सत्य और अंधकार पर रोशिनी के विजय का प्रतीक है। हिंदू कैलेंडर के मुताबिक यह कार्तिक के 15 वें दिन मनाया जाता है। यह त्यौहार अपने 14 साल के निर्वासन को पूरा करने के बाद अपने राज्य अयोध्या में भगवान राम की वापसी का स्मरण करता है। उस रात लोगो ने अपने घरों को मिट्टी के दियो के साथ अपने घरों को रोशन करने के लिए जलाया और आतिशबाजी कर के लिए अपने प्यारे राजा का स्वागत किया। आतिशबाजी की विभिन्न रंगीन किस्मों को हमेशा इस त्योहार से जुड़ा होता है। इस शुभ दिन पर लोग अपने घर के चारों ओर दीये और मोमबत्तियों को प्रकाश देते हैं। वे शाम में लक्ष्मी पूजा करते हैं और धन की देवी का दैवीय आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करते हैं। कुछ लोगों का मानना ​​है कि लक्ष्मी पृथ्वी के घरों की तलाश में घूमते हैं जहां उनका स्वागत किया जाएगा। लोग अपने दरवाजे और खिड़कियां और हल्के लैंप को लक्ष्मी को आमंत्रित करते हैं। दीवाली पांच दिनों की उत्सव अवधि है जो धनतेरस पर शुरू होती है और भाई दुज पर समाप्त होती है। दिवाली आनंद, सुख, आतिशबाजी और मिठाई का त्योहार है और लोग मिट्टी के दीपक जलाकर कर रोशनी करते है, परिवार के साथ उत्सव मनातें है |

सभी देशवासीयोको दिपावली कि हार्दिक शुभकामनाये 


दिवाली एक खुसियों का त्योहार हैं,
अंधेरो से  उजाले  कि और  बारकरार हैं,
हर कोई  अंधेरे  को  उजाला  करणे  की  लिये  तैयार  है 
पर जो सावधानी रखे वही समजदार है
कोई वक्त का तो कोई खुशियो का तलबगार है
नजरे भचा कर  बैठा  है  हार  कोई ,
सभी को दिवाली  की एन पलो का इंतझार है
जी लो इन्हे फिर ना  कहना  आगले साल का इंतझार है

“ हो मुबारक ये त्यौहार आपको दीपावली का
ज़िन्दगी का हर पल मिले आपको खुशहाली का

प्यार के जुगनू जले, प्यार की हो फुलझड़िया
प्यार के फूल खिले, प्यार की हो पंखुड़िया

प्यार की  बंसी बजे,  प्यार  की हो शहनाईया…
खुशियो के दीप जले, दुःख कभी न ले अंगड़ाईयां ”

आपको और आपके परिवार को दिवाली की हार्दिक बधाईया

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How to Improve the Search Engine Optimization of Every Website?

One of the biggest challenges that online businesses face today is maintaining relevance in the eyes of the search engines, especially Google. With Google controlling more than 90% of the search traffic in the US alone, it’s not surprising that the most important goal of any web-based marketing strategy is to be number one in Google.
It’s a well-established principle that on-site SEO is one of the most basic building blocks every business needs to have as they start on the road to search engine domination. So it makes sense to add another string to your own marketing bow as a web designer and incorporate some simple SEO strategies into every web design you deliver.
Here are nine ways to improve the SEO strength of every website you design.

1. Add a Blog

Adding a blog to any site gives your clients the opportunity to add fresh content easily and regularly. Search engines love fresh content and if you encourage your client to update the blog on at least a weekly basis, or hopefully even more regularly, you will be giving them a distinct SEO advantage. You can explain to your client that blogs naturally attract search engine traffic and they can take advantage of this by not only adding content as often as possible, but to allow visitors to ask questions or leave comments.
The interactivity of the blog also adds value to the site and can also increase the likelihood of potential customers social bookmarking it and sharing it their social networks, but remember to look out for spam comments and to remove anything that looks like duplicate content.
Blogs also increase the size of the website over time and this can provide a major SEO benefit in the form of an increase in website authority and a higher number of pages to leverage with internal links.

2. Add Google Analytics to Each Page

As you are no doubt aware, Google Analytics is a free analytics software package that can provide your client with a range of critical data about their site and how it is performing in the search engines.
By using such features as Goal Tracking, Event Tracking, bounce rates and Intelligence you can show your client which keywords, search engines and traffic sources are producing sales or leads for their business. You can also use this data as a way of showing them how they can improve their site over time (with your help) through ongoing split testing.
Bonus tip: Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools, which also have a ton of information that you can use to learn more about your keywords and web pages.

3. Reduce Code Bloat

Google’s spiders are on the lookout for unique content, and JavaScript and CSS in the HTML code make it harder for them to find it. For example, you should already know that all scripts and CSS files should be added as external files to reduce the time it takes for search engine spiders to find the actual content as well as reducing the code-to-content ratio.
Remember that excessive code not only slows the page’s loading time, but it also increases the possibility of coding errors that, whilst they may have no direct impact on the site’s SEO, may still cause difficulty for the search engine spiders.

4. Make Each Page Unique

Google ranks the relevance of each website according to the content it contains, and is always seeking relevant content not contained anywhere else on the Internet. This means that the content of every page needs to be completely different not just from any other site on the Web, but also any other page on the same site. This raises the issue of duplicate content, the dread of all site owners.
Put simply, if you publish any content that appears somewhere else on the Internet, you run the risk of being ignored by search engines because the algorithm will be looking for content that sets your site apart.
Unique content removes any such impediments from your site and your design standards will support your clients’ SEO. It is also worthwhile pointing out that wherever you include snippets of information contained on other pages within the site to tempt the visitor to follow the link, you run the risk of being penalised for duplicate content. So be careful of the wording used in the snippets so that it provides a summary without repeating any of the words actually used.

5. Use Meta Description Tags

<meta> description tags are what appear in the search engine results pages – they give the web surfer an overview of what the site is about. Put your marketer’s hat on and write a description that convinces visitors to click on the result. This is your site’s first opportunity to attract visitors, so it’s vital that you give your client the best chance of standing out from the other results.
Remember, Google also uses meta description tags to differentiate web pages (although not as much as title tags) so you also need to be careful to describe each page differently to avoid any duplicate content issues. Including free offers, guarantees and a phone number can improve the click through rate on your clients’ SEO ranking.
Make sure to limit the <meta> description tags to 160 characters in length, including spaces.

6. Remove Repetitive Wording From The Website Layout

It’s worth repeating again that unique content is vital to the success of any site’s SEO. When designing a website layout for a client it is tempting to include information such as copyright text, contact details and maybe even company mottos on every page of the site. If there is not enough unique content on every page then you run the risk of your client’s site being penalised for duplicate content. That’s why it’s important to remove such repetitive wording from the website layout so that the true informational content of the site is not diluted in any way.

7. Add Footer Links To Every Page

Linking between web pages using plain text links, with the target SEO keywords in the anchor text, can provide a significant boost to your clients’ SEO rankings. The problem is that most good website designs use graphical, JavaScript or Flash navigation that don’t use anchor text. If this is the case, you can use footer links to link between your pages, with the keywords you want to rank for within the anchor text of the links.

8. Create A Separate Web Page For Each Keyword Or Keyword Phrase

The best way for a website to rank for a particular keyword phrase is to create a web page targeted to that phrase with the keywords in the <title> tag, <meta> description tags, <h1>, body copy and URL. This means that it is critically important to create a separate web page for each product or service that the client sells, as well as category pages if they are needed. A dedicated page for each product or service will also ensure a good user experience as they will land directly on this page from the search engine results, making it much easier for them to buy online or submit a form for more information.

9. Use Keyword Rich Title Tags On Each Page

<title> tags appear in the title bar of the browser and are one of the factors used by search engines to determine the content of your page. Rather than including the company name in the <title>tag, use the keywords that your client wants to rank for. This will give your client a solid advantage for ranking in the search engines. Make sure to limit the <title> tags to 60 characters in length, including spaces, so that the full text of the title tags appears in the search engine rankings and doesn’t get cut-off by Google.
By integrating all of the above suggestions into each of your website design projects, you will give your clients the best possible chance of generating sales and profits from search engine rankings.
Article source: Alex Cleanthou